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Definite Answer Revealed

Senuas Sacrifice: German Voiceover or English with German Subtitles?

Definite Answer Revealed

Breaking News:

Senuas Sacrifice, the highly anticipated game from the creators of Heavenly Sword, Enslaved: Odyssey to the West, and DmC, has finally arrived. Players have been eagerly anticipating the game's release, and one of the most common questions has been whether it will feature a German voiceover or only English with German subtitles.

We can now confirm that Senuas Sacrifice will not have a German voiceover at launch. However, the game will be fully localized into German, including subtitles, menus, and user interface elements.

This decision was made to ensure that the game's story and characters could be experienced by as many players as possible, regardless of their language preference. The developers felt that a German voiceover would have limited the game's reach, and they wanted to make sure that everyone had the opportunity to experience the powerful and emotional journey of Senua.

Senuas Sacrifice is now available for purchase on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.
